‘Crazy World’ Review – Boys Like Girls

At the height of the Pop Punk revival in the mid noughties, little Massachusets born band Boys Like Girls released their debut, self-titled album. Fresh-faced, eager and a little bit arrogant, Boys Like Girls produced a record that was the soundtrack to many teenage girls’ (and boys’) summers.

With a debut album that was punchy, sincere and poetic, it was a hard act to follow when 3 years later the boys released ‘Love Drunk’.

Featuring a song which hosted the sickly sweet voice of Taylor Swift, the whole album had a hint of experimentalism and not as much raw rock and roll. Eighties style synth and slightly cheesy numbers filled ‘Love Drunk’ and although it wasn’t painful to listen to, it lacked what ‘Boys Like Girls’ offered us in 2006 – an honesty and naivety that many fans could relate to.

So when I heard there was another Boys Like Girls album on the way, I was wary to say the least. My scepticism left me to explore the album via the depths of YouTube. Safer to do so, rather than forking out what little I had left of my student loan, before I was absolutely sure it was worth the equivalent of several days’ worth of meals.

Opener ‘The First Time’ was bland enough that I felt that I’d heard enough within the first minute, so promptly continued onto the next track ‘Life of the Party’. Already cringing at the clichéd title, I sat through a lyric video surrounding Martin Johnson (front man and guitarist) penning the words to this very song on his acoustic guitar.

Visually, a beautiful idea. But the arrogance of the Boys Like Girls frontman has exploded so vastly over the past couple of years that he’s gone from heart throb to headache. And the lyrics themselves aren’t worth penning on what appears to be an extremely expensive and perfectly nice acoustic guitar. 50% of the song consists of the word “na” and dare I even repeat the line “You smell that? Smells like Boys Like Girls are back”. Vom. Must be the smell of mediocrity.

But alas, I continued on into the realms of ‘Crazy World’. God, how I wish I hadn’t. Title track ‘Crazy World’ is an incredibly ‘High School Musical’ style track with lots of “ooo”s and far too many self-harmonies. And already, I’m sick of hearing Martin Johnson chip in quietly in the background of this record with “hey” “you ready” or “that sounds good”. It certainly doesn’t, so who are they really trying to kid?

Truth is, I could continue on to complain about every song because frankly, there isn’t a redeeming aspect to this album. The Disney-esque sound they seem to have adopted, despite their ever-growing ‘rugged’ physique just doesn’t translate. To me, it feels like they’ve moved in reverse. From honest, mature yet relatable songs about growing up, having fun and the struggles you find in love… to very bland, crass songs that sound more like they were written by a 14 year old girl. Boys Like Girls have failed to progress.

To me it feels as if the boys (or more appropriately Martin, as he seems to be the only point of focus in the band these days) are trying too hard to grasp onto the hearts of young, teenage girls who swoon at the front man and bop along timidly to the music. What about the 14 year olds who they stunned with their songs back in 2006? I can’t see many 20 year olds rushing out to buy the nearest copy of ‘Crazy World’ they can find.

I didn’t want to hate it. I truly didn’t, as several years back I would’ve considered Boys Like Girls one of my favourite bands. Their debut album was so stunning and emotional that it was one of my most played for a very long time. But in my mind, it’s time that Boys Like Girls grow up and – strangely – go back to writing more mature, heartfelt songs like they once did.

Now please, someone pass me my copy of ‘Boys Like Girls’ so I can get ‘Be Your Everything’ out of my head once and for all.

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